N.E.I.W.H Online Exams Platform
The following exams are available online at this time:
NEIWH Final Theoretical exam
Anatomy and Physiology mid-term and final exams
Hygiene and Pathology
Introduction to Touch Therapy
If you are eligible to take the exams you will receive username and password from NEIWH Administrator via email:
Student is responsible for the following:
1. Device usage: To use a reliable computer or laptop ( not recommended: I-Pad, notebooks, phones)
2. Exam timing: The online exams are all timed with the timer shown on each exam page however, once leaving the page the timer will no longer show the appropriate usage of time which may cause the failure of the submission of the exam. It is the students’ sole responsibility to manage their exam time appropriately in order to successfully submit the exam results.
3. Exam grade: Once submitting the exam, the student should receive a grade. If the student gets logged out upon submission of the exam, the student failed the time management and is financially responsible for the retake of the exam. At that time, in order to retake the exam, the student must submit their payment online or on-campus to have another exam opened.
Our Institute is not responsible for any glitches that may occur during any online exams, such as: Internet connection, power surge, computer malfunction, etc.
If any glitch took place the Institute will not be able to recover your data.
If you do not submit your exam properly, you will need to purchase another retake in order to have another attempt on it.